Anders Aamand

Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Copenhagen


Hi! I'm a postdoc at the University of Copenhagen at BARC (Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen). I am on the job market this year!

Before arriving here, I was a postdoc at MIT where I was fortunate to be working with Piotr Indyk and his clever students. I completed my PhD at the University of Copenhagen under the supervision of Mikkel Abrahamsen and Mikkel Thorup .

Below you will find an overview of my research interest as well as a list of publications

Anders Aamand

Research Interests

I'm broadly interested in theoretical computer science. Lately, I've been occupied with problems within differential privacy, learning-augmented algorithms, distribution testing, and hashing. I also enjoy working on various problems within graph theory and computational geometry.

What's New?

Below are preprints of some of my recent papers in submission.


A list of my publications can also be found on DBLP and Google Scholar.

Machine Learning and Learning-Augmented Algorithms
Hashing-Based Algorithms and Data Structures
(Computational) Geometry
Graph Algorithms
Broader Algorithmic Research